Secret Unlocked!

Eclipses consisted of a boring meeting, where Love and the Universe and our two main protagonists and a bunch of other folks would show up to discuss how Creation was doing. (Most of the time these meetings would be Sea complaining about her rising levels while Sun and Moon took turns accidentally making eye contact and blushing.)

Once the business was out of the way, the party would really get started, and everyone could get absolutely smashed on the abolutely fantastic booze that Nature brought. Sometimes Sun would work up the courage to make idle smalltalk with an even shyer Moon. However, that event was even more rare than the eclipse itself. (Death had a betting pool set up with the others on how long it would take them to get together. Their currency can't be measured through any mortal means, but let's just say it was A Lot.)

Eventually, the Sea decided it was sick of scondhand embarassment, and asked the Universe to make a couple assistants for the Sun and Moon. Maybe they could help, in ways that the rest of them couldn't. And the Universe, who found the entire arrangement hilarious a few eons ago, but was now getting tired of this shit, agreed.

And that's where you come in. And now we are here.